I had such a blast chatting with Quynh and Jessie for their Paper Talk Podcast - I did not expect to ever be invited on a podcast so this was a great incredible honour!
So thankful to Quynh and Jessie for taking time off their busy schedules (and coordinating with the time differences across our 3 countries). I'm a big fan of these 2, they're definitely 2 of the bigger names in the international paper florist community and what amazes me is that they're so dedicated to giving back to the community, be it bringing us together for international workshops/ masterclasses or just interviewing key people in the industry who have great insight into our craft... they're such inspiring superwomen in my eyes. :D
You can listen to the podcast on iTunes here:
Or listen and read the written interview here:
I think I wasn't as coherent as I would like to be haha but it really felt like we were having a coffee chat and I'm grateful that we could kinda commiserate on the same issues we paper florists face, and of course also share more about our crafting habits!
Quynh and Jessie hosts these podcasts regularly and its so interesting to listen to their point of views. I try to catch every session and you can do so too by signing up for their newsletter or following them on instagram (@thepaperfloristsorg, @jessieatcraftedtobloom, @pinkandposey). Hope you enjoyed the interview!